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Jiangsu Tianqi Held an Election for Deputies to the People’s Congress in Zhangjiagang
Author: Time:2021-12-14 Source : Font Size:big middle small

More than 800,000 voters in Zhangjiagang elected their new deputies to the people's congresses at the city and town levels in their respective districts on December 8, 2021. According to the unified arrangement of the whole city, the local government held an election for deputies to the 146th District People's Congress in Tianqi Lithium (Jiangsu). One main venue and eight polling stations were set up. Fifty-one enterprises in the county-level city formed 51 voter groups, with voters totalling to 3,607.

On the same day, Yang Zhongqi, Wang Xun, Shen Qiming, Li Xin, Liu Jilong and their company appointed by the working group for election in Deji Street of Zhangjiagang City came to the main venue to offer guidance. After careful arrangements and preparations, the factory was given a whole new look, with well-ordered elections and warm but solemn atmosphere.

At the voters' meeting, voters came to the polling station to read introductions of the two candidates and listen to specific election methods and things to keep in mind. On the day of election, voters queued up to hand in their voter registration cards and receive their ballots. After filling in the ballots, they went to the ballot box and cast their solemn and sacred votes.

Photo | Jiangsu Tianqi election site

The election of NPC deputies is the foundation of the people's congress system and ensures the people’s role as masters. Held every five years, the election of deputies to the people's congresses at the city and town levels covers every place and every voter in the city, which demonstrates the people's rights to run the country, and enhances whole-process people’s democracy. Tianqi will continuously work to serve the people and society, improve various work plans, and deepen communications among different regions.

Contributed by: Jiangsu Tianqi Administration Department

Edited and published by: Board Office

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