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HA, Frank Chun Shing, President of Tianqi Lithium Industry, wishes you a happy New Year!
Author: Time:2022-01-31 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Dear investors, partners, all employees and friends from home and abroad:

Happy New Year to you all!

The year of Ox is gone, and the year of Tiger is arriving. At this happy moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, I would like to, on behalf of Tianqi Lithium and all the staff, send my warmest New Year wishes and to those who have given great support to us, including all the investors, partners and friends at home and abroad.

The year 2021 is my first year in Tianqi Lithium and it is also an extraordinary year in the history of the company. Despite risks and challenges such as the pandemic, debt problems and mad lithium-products market swings, the company focused on cost reduction and efficiency improvement, constantly optimized governance structure and set up a new management team to cope with these challenges. With respect to debt, we received IGO’s strategic investment, promoted the Listing on HKEX in a well-planned way and effectively reduced financial leverage. On production, our domestic production bases are in good shape, such as Sichuan Shehong, Jiangsu Zhangjiagang and Chongqing Tongliang; and Kwinana lithium hydroxide plant in Australia is at the trial phase. Internationally, we opened Hong Kong branch and Shenzhen branch, which will significantly contribute to our international expansion. According to the recently disclosed the 2021 Annual Performance Report, it is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders will be 1.8-2.4 billion in 2021, which is much higher compared with that in 2020.

Thanks to all the staff’s hard work and the support from partners and friends, we are able to make these achievements. I am very proud of everyone in Tianqi, and I am grateful to our friends. With much to be done, we ride the winds and break the waves to move forward. Looking toward 2022, the company, under the leadership of the new management team, will go all out to achieve the listing on HKEX, which will lay a solid foundation for the healthy development of corporate finance, expand the company’s production capacity in an orderly manner, and prepare for its international expansion.

We will strive for our beautiful dreams with determination and courage in the new year; we will remain true to our original aspirations in the new year, although there is still a long way to go. Let’s chase our dreams together and write our stories in 2022! May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!

Contributed by | Administrative Department

Edited and published by: Board Office

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