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Jiang Weiping, Chairman of Tianqi Lithium, wishes you a happy New Year!
Author: Time:2022-01-31 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Dear investors, partners, all employees and friends from home and abroad:

Happy New Year to you all!

Old times are gone and the new year has arrived. At this happy moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, I would like to, on behalf of Tianqi Lithium and all its staff, extend my New Year wishes to investors and partners who have given great support and trust to us, as well as friends from across sectors at home and abroad who have been paying attention to us!

The year of 2021 witnessed the establishment of international management team and the company’s new development strategies. This year, our debt problems were largely alleviated with IGO’s strategic investment, and we have applied for the Listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. What’s more, we press forward on the test run of Kwinana plant. These milestones require concerted efforts and hard work of all the staff as well as the support of friends from across sectors of society.

As global energy revolution marches and energy restructuring continues, lithium, used to be an indistrial accessory, has become a basic material of new energy, and the new energy industry, lithium power industry in particular, has undergone tremendous changes. After nearly 30 years of hard work, the company has become a leading lithium enterprise in the world. In the new year, Tianqi Lithium will remain true to the original aspiration of “working hard with unyielding spirit”, firmly grasp the strategic opportunities brought by the times and fully complete the company's strategic tasks. More important, we will do our utmost to become a global leader in new-energy materials industry with lithium as its core!

Once again, I hope everything goes your way and wish you a happy family and a successful career!

Contributed by | Administrative Department

Edited and published by: Board Office

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