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The “Investor Relations” column on Tianqi Lithium’s website has launched mailing list subscription services
Author: Time:2022-08-17 Source : Font Size:big middle small

The "Investor Relations" column on Tianqi Lithium's website has launched mailing list subscription services to facilitate investors' access to company announcements and information on related activities.

Investors can subscribe to our channel by following the steps.

一、 1. Log in to the website of Tianqi Lithium, select the "Investor Relations" column, and click on the "Subscribe" button shown below.

2. Select your subscription content.

The options of announcements and circulars, as well as activities of investor relations are provided. You can either choose one or both of them. Then click on "Subscribe" to proceed.

3. Fill in the subscription information.

Please fill in your email address, name, and institution according to the prompt. Your email address is required for this step.

Click on "Submit" for the next step.

After submission, the system will automatically send a confirmation email to your email address. Click on the confirmation link in the email to complete your subscription.

Once you have subscribed, you will be notified by email when an announcement is made or an investor relations event is held by Tianqi Lithium.

Contributed and published by: Board Office

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