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Tianqi Lithium is newly included in the MSCI China Index
Author: Time:2022-08-12 Source : Font Size:big middle small

In the morning of August 12, Beijing time, MSCI, the world's leading index company, announced its quarterly review changes, in which seven A-share stocks, including Tianqi Lithium, were newly included in the MSCI China Index. This adjustment will take effect after the market close on August 31.

Photo | Tianqi Lithium is newly included in the MSCI China Index (image credit to MSCI official website)

Among MSCI's indices, those involving A-shares include the MSCI China Index, the MSCI China A Onshore Index, and the MSCI China All Share Index, with the first one most notable, which is nested into the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. A company's entry into the MSCI China Index, therefore, means entry into the MSCI Global Standard Indexes, and its stock will be tracked by a large number of passive funds.

Tianqi Lithium, as a leading lithium-based company of new energy materials in China and beyond, has become one of the A-share targets newly included in the MSCI China Index. It is worth noting that the new energy industry chain is the focus of this adjustment, for five out of the seven newly included stocks are pertinent to the new energy sector.

MSCI's quarterly index adjustment will take effect after the market close on August 31.

Edited and published by: Board Office

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