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Lithium for Low Carbon and All Creatures
Author: Time:2022-11-05 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On October 29th, Tianqi volunteers held an activity with the theme of "Carbon and Lithium, Caring for All Creatures" in the near-zero-carbon Qiyang communityQiyang,. The community located in Peng Town, Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Sichuan province, is one of the first pilot near-zero-carbon communities in the city initiated by Tianqi Lithium and built by the Innovation Center for Zero Carbon and Sustainable Development. The activity helped Tianqi volunteers better understand the green environment, ecological values, and how low-carbon technology can benefit communities.

Photo |The Tianqi Volunteer Team held volunteer services.

Low carbon and sustainable development are closely woven into every aspect of the service.

Zero Carbon Initiative

Photo |Volunteers signed in by writing down their names and leaving some leaves or flowers.

 The Zero Carbon Initiative was read out.

In the beginning, the volunteers signed the zero carbon initiative by creatively sticking flowers and leaves on the poster and forming a giant "TQ", the capital letters of Tianqi, and thus committed to nature. Ms. Xiong Wanyu, Vice President of Tianqi Lithium, read out the Zero Carbon Initiative on behalf of Tianqi volunteers.


Photo | Volunteer gift bags carrying Tianqi’s logo.

Photo | The Base for Tianqi Volunteer Service was launched.

All the materials used in this activity are recyclable and reusable, and all the left materials were recycled and reused by the Qiyang community. The Base for Tianqi Volunteer Service was launched for Tianqi to further its communication with the community and shoulder social responsibility. Jiang Anqi, Tianqi's Vice Chair, and Liu Xingcheng, Secretary of the community, collectively inaugurated the base.

Voluntary Carbon Reduction (CDCER)

Photo |The team was granted the carbon neutrality certificate.

The volunteer activity was low-carbon and sustainable, while the unavoidable 391kg of carbon emissions were offset by purchasing carbon credits through the CDCER, Chengdu's carbon reduction mechanism. On behalf of the Tianqi Volunteer Team, Mr. HA Frank Chun Shing, Director of Tianqi Lithium, received the carbon neutrality certificate issued by Sichuan United Environment Exchange.

To motivate the volunteers, we adopted a new mechanism -- credit race. Volunteers could obtain corresponding credits by taking low-carbon tasks at four sites, accomplishing ecological knowledge quizzes, learning the ecological secret behind the buildings in western Sichuan, and exploring the application of low-carbon technology in life. The team with the highest credits would be the champion.

Site 1: Quizzes about Low Carbon

Photo |Quizzes about Climate Change and Waste Recycling

Tianqi volunteers pay constant attention to climate change and have learned about its environmental fallout and related countermeasures. At this site, volunteers learned low-carbon and green practices through quizzes. They also recycled waste in the community.

Site 2: Caring for All Creatures

Photo |Quizzes about Biodiversity and Plant Observation

The activity also shed light on all creatures. Tianqi volunteers took quizzes about biodiversity, observed plants in the Qiyang community and recorded them in a plant database. You need to observe creatures before protecting them.

Site 3: The Secret behind Linpan Settlements

Photo |Residential Buildings in Western Sichuan

Here, the Linpan settlements in western Sichuan, a sustainable dwelling characterized by small-scale farming, rectangular fields, and natural elements, opened a window for volunteers to get a glimpse into the importance of biodiversity and the environment.

Site 4: Garbage Sorting and Composting

Photo |Volunteers were trying to sort out the garbage and make composting.

At Site 4, volunteers played a table game about garbage sorting and learned about organic composting. By tecycling resources through garbage sorting and home composting, they made their bit for environmental protection and optimal use of ecological resources. The final points of each team were also generated here.

The activity involved 5 teams and altogether 27 families. The outstanding teams were awarded low-carbon mystery boxes made of sustainable materials, which encouraged them to make their consumption habits greener.

Photo |Tianqi executive volunteers presented awards to the winning teams.

In the afternoon, volunteers went to a 100-year-old teahouse in the Qiyang community to taste Sichuan's tea culture. The time-honored teahouse had received numerous tea culture enthusiasts from home and abroad. Hu Xiaoxin, a student representative from the Hong Kong Students’ Association of Sichuan, discussed with the owner of the old teahouse about the tea culture in Sichuan and Hong Kong. Volunteers enjoyed both the discussion and the tea there.

Photo |Tea Culture in Sichuan and Hong Kong

At the teahouse, Ms. Tang Tang from Jisi Youth Service Center taught a plant tie-dye course to the volunteers. Beautiful square towels with plant dyes epitomize the charm of traditional Chinese culture. While practicing CSR, volunteers also felt the magic of nature and received an incredible gift from nature.

Photo |Tie-dyeing with Plants

We also invited Associate Professor Shen Panyan from the Mental Health Research and Counseling Center for Minors of Sichuan Province and the Department of Psychology, the Law School of Southwest University of Science and Technology, to bring an EAP journey to the volunteers. The theme of this counseling session was "The Extension of Life". It highlighted the importance of communication through multiple fun activities. At last, under the guidance of Shen Panyan, the volunteers listened to each other, and worked together to finish a scroll painting of leaves. They realized the significance of communication and learned to care for themselves, their families and their friends.

Photo |The Importance of Communication

As an advocate of sustainable development, Tianqi Lithium not only makes its products low-carbon by minimizing the ecological impact, but also encourages green and low-carbon life. The Tianqi Volunteer Team is a platform for this purpose.

Contributed by | ESG & Sustainability

Images provided by | ESG & Sustainability

Edited and published by | PR Department

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