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Adhere to the principle of prevention and protect occupational health. "Tianqi Lithium Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Law Publicity Week Series Activities
Author: Time:2024-05-09 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Focusing on the theme of the 22nd "Occupational Disease Prevention Law" publicity week, "Adhere to prevention, protect occupational health", Tianqi Lithium. has linked domestic production bases and projects to popularize occupational disease prevention knowledge through various forms such as publicity, training, and knowledge contests, creating a healthy and safe working environment for employees.


Practical training on health and first aid

To enhance employees' health awareness and first-aid skills, Tianqi Lithium Chengdu headquarters recently invited Sichuan occupational health experts to give lectures and first-aid practical training on the prevention of various diseases in the field of health. With the development of society and the characteristics of modern office work, common health problems such as mouse hand, cervical pain, and lumbar muscle strain are becoming more common in the workplace. In response to these problems, experts provide in-depth explanations on how to improve and alleviate sub-health conditions through scientific methods such as adjusting sitting and standing postures, as well as exercises for the head, shoulders, neck, and limbs.

In the practical training session, several employees learned the basic principles of trauma rescue, emergency treatment of foreign bodies in the trachea, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation under the guidance of teachers. They observed live demonstrations of bandaging, fracture fixation, Heimlich first aid, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, and practiced them in real-life situations.

The head of the Environmental Health and Safety Department of Tianqi Lithium emphasized that health and first-aid knowledge are crucial to the work and life of every employee. During the week of the Occupational Disease Prevention Law, es also cavarious basrried out a series of activities in line with the characteristics of their positions.


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Occupational Disease Prevention Law, the Anju Base of Suining Tianqi Lithium organized all employees to carry out training on occupational disease prevention and control, and to further study relevant knowledge on occupational health, such as the identification and protection of on-site occupational hazards such as dust and noise, and the importance of occupational health physical examination. In order to further enhance the interactivity and interest of the training, the Anju Base also specially planned a quiz on occupational health knowledge to deepen employees' understanding of on-site occupational hazards.


Government and enterprises work together to build a barrier against occupational diseases

Recently, the Health Bureau of Shehong City, in collaboration with the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Labor Union, jointly held a launch ceremony for the "Occupational Disease Prevention Law" publicity week at Tianqi Lithium Shehong Co., Ltd. The event invited professionals from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to give a special lecture on the important role of labor protection supplies in preventing occupational diseases. It emphasized the importance of providing employees with satisfactory labor protection supplies and teaching them how to correctly use these supplies to effectively prevent occupational diseases.


Strengthen the management of employees' physical and mental health

Tianqi Lithium Jiangsu Co., Ltd. recently conducted occupational health training for employees, emphasizing both occupational health and physical and mental health. Through various forms of publicity, professional training, and online knowledge contests, employees were made aware of the importance of occupational health. At the same time, blood pressure measurements were conducted for all employees to prevent and reduce unexpected conditions.


Occupational health, prevention first

Chongqing Tianqi Lithium Industries Co., Ltd. Chongqing Base, Tianqi New Lithium New Materials Yanting Co., Ltd. Yanting Base, Sichuan Tianqi Shenghe Lithium Industries Co., Ltd. Shenghe Project and Jiangsu 30,000-ton Project organized all employees to carry out occupational health knowledge promotion, training and special inspections in accordance with the theme of the Occupational Disease Prevention Law Publicity Week; through a series of activities, they raised the attention of all employees to occupational diseases and ensured that each employee could master effective preventive measures.

Tianqi Lithium has always adhered to the people-oriented concept, continuously strengthened the construction of occupational health and safety management system, and is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for employees. While protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees, it also pays high attention to their physical and mental health, and embraces every employee with warmth.

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