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Leading High-Quality Development: Tianqi Lithium Awarded 'Outstanding Director of the Year 2023' and 'Outstanding Board of Directors for the Year 2023' by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors
Author: Time:2023-11-28 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On 23rd November, the Hong Kong Institute of Directors (HKIoD) proudly announced the Outstanding Directors Awards 2023 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). For the first time, Tianqi Lithium Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Tianqi Lithium") received two prestigious awards for corporate governance. Ms. Jiang Anqi, Vice Chairwoman, was honored with the "2023 Outstanding Director Award," and the 6th Board of Directors received the "2023 Outstanding Board Award." The members of the Sixth Board include Mr. Jiang Weiping, Chairman; Ms. Jiang Anqi, Vice Chairwoman; Mr. Xia Juncheng, Director and President; Mr. Zou Jun, Director, Executive Vice President, and Chief Financial Officer; Mr. Xiang Chuan, Independent Director; Ms. Tang Guoqiong, Independent Director; Ms. Huang Wei, Independent Director; and Ms. Wu Changhua, Independent Director.

Organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, the 'Outstanding Directors Awards' were inaugurated in 2001 and are the earliest of their kind in Asia. The award recognizes outstanding boards of directors and individual directors, promotes excellent corporate governance and professionalism among directors, and enjoys widespread recognition and respect in the market for its professionalism and authority. Tianqi Lithium is the only company to receive both awards in this competition, highlighting the exceptional achievements and performance of the company's directors and board of directors in corporate governance and acknowledging the company's relentless efforts in promoting excellent corporate governance and director professionalism.

Ms. Jiang Anqi, Vice Chairwoman of Tianqi Lithium, Mr. Xia Juncheng, Director and President, Ms. Tang Guoqiong, Independent Director, Ms. Huang Wei, Independent Director, Mr. Zhang Wenyu, Secretary of the Board, Vice President, and Joint Company Secretary in Hong Kong, along with key institutional investors and representatives of social organizations, attended the event and witnessed this momentous occasion.

Ms. Jiang was awarded the "2023 Outstanding Director Award" for her exceptional performance in corporate governance. The judging panel commended Ms. Jiang for tirelessly promoting the adoption of best corporate governance practices in the company. They praised her in-depth understanding of the latest ESG trends and her active promotion of these within the company, asserting that Ms. Jiang truly deserves this award.

In her acceptance speech, Ms. Jiang expressed gratitude to market stakeholders and people from all walks of life for their trust and support of the company's development. She stated, "In the future, the company will continue to focus on its core business, steadily advance its strategic planning, actively create new cooperation opportunities, explore new cooperation modes, continually promote sustainable development, and commit to creating value for shareholders and investors, contributing to the global energy sector's green and low-carbon transition."

Meanwhile, the judging panel praised the company's Board of Directors for their resilience and commitment to best corporate governance practices. They noted that the Board has established internal rules and policies covering important ESG issues and regularly sets qualitative and quantitative assessment targets focused on the RHSEC (Risk Management, Health, Safety, Environment, and Community Engagement) strategic management system. This approach has enabled Tianqi Lithium to create value for its customers, employees, and business partners. The panel affirmed that the Board of Directors of Tianqi Lithium truly deserves this award.

Mr. Zhang Wenyu, Secretary of the Board, Vice President, and Joint Company Secretary in Hong Kong for Tianqi Lithium, accepted the "2023 Outstanding Board of Directors Award" on behalf of the Board and delivered an acceptance speech.

About the Board of Directors of Tianqi Lithium

As a world-leading lithium-based new energy materials company, Tianqi Lithium Corporation progresses with vigor and determination under the guidance of the Board of Directors' best corporate governance practices. The Board plays a central role in corporate governance, ensuring the company's operation aligns with strategic plans for long-term development. Leveraging the diverse expertise of its Board members, the company strengthens its core competitiveness, creating value for stakeholders and fostering high-quality, sustainable development in the industry.

The Board of Directors of Tianqi Lithium, recognized for its exceptional contributions to corporate governance, has also recently received several awards, including the China Listed Companies Association's 2023 Listed Company Board of Directors Outstanding Practice Case Award.

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