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Promoting Innovation | Annual Work Conference of the Academic Committee of Lithium Resources and Lithium Materials Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province held in Chengdu
Author: Time:2023-08-31 Source : Font Size:big middle small

The Annual Work Conference of the Academic Committee of the Lithium Resources and Lithium Materials Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, known as the "Laboratory," took place in Chengdu on August 28, 2023. Mr. Li Hong, a researcher at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and member of the Academic Committee of the Laboratory, Mr. Li Jingze, a professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Mr. Li Faqiang, a professor at Linyi University, Mr. Gong Junbo, a professor of Tianjin University, and relevant personnel from the Laboratory attended the conference. Mr. Xia Juncheng, Chairman and President of Tianqi Lithium Corporation (TLC), and Ms. Xiong Wanyu, Senior Vice President of TLC, along with other corporate management, were cordially invited to participate in the meeting as representatives of the Laboratory’s supporting institution.

Mr. Xia Juncheng extended congratulations on the convening of the conference. He highlighted that Tianqi Lithium Corporation (TLC), a globally leading new energy materials enterprise centered around lithium, has consistently focused on the broader direction of national lithium-ion battery development. He underscored TLC’s commitment to advancing and upgrading the company through innovation. The Lithium Resources and Lithium Materials Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province serves as an essential platform and catalyst for TLC to advance its technological innovation and boost its technical capabilities. Over the last five years, guided by the Academic Committee, the Laboratory has made significant strides in optimizing research directions, promoting technological innovation, enhancing institutional and team development, facilitating academic exchanges, and delivering technical services. At the meeting, Deputy Director Xu Chuan provided a detailed report on the laboratory’s work performance for the current year and outlined the work plan for the upcoming year. The committee members offered high commendation for the laboratory’s year-long research accomplishments and contributed their insights and suggestions for the stable and long-term growth of the Laboratory. Moreover, the attending representatives engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges concerning cutting-edge technologies, innovative achievements and industry development.

During the conference, Mr. Xia Juncheng presented letters of appointment to Li Hong and five other experts of the Academic Committee, with the objective of providing intellectual support for the high-quality development of the Laboratory.

With the guidance of the Academic Committee, the evaluation of the ten open funding projects proposed by the Laboratory for 2023 has been concluded. The results will be posted on the Laboratory’s official website within this week.

Lithium Resources and Lithium Materials

Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province

With Tianqi Lithium Corporation(TLC) as the supporting institution, the Lithium Resources and Lithium Materials Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province was established in 2016 with approval from the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province.Committed to improving the development and comprehensive utilization of lithium resources, as well as advancing the fabrication and preparation of lithium materials in China, the Laboratory prioritizes addressing critical issues in the application of lithium resources and lithium materials. It conducts in-depth research on generic theories and key technologies that meet the demand of developing lithium-related industrial chains both domestically and internationally.

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