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Chinese Official Han Wei Visited TLEA
Author: Time:2023-08-21 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On August 21, 2023, Han Wei, Secretary of the Zhangjiagang Municipal Party Committee and the Party Working Committee of Zhangjiagang bonded zone, led a delegation to visit Tianqi Lithium Corporation Energy Australia Pty Ltd (referred to as "TLEA"). Xiong Wanyu, Senior Vice President of Tianqi Lithium Corporation; Raj Surendran, CEO of TLEA; Zhu Jing, Deputy General Manager of Tianqi Lithium Corporation (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.; Scott Steinkrug, Chief Financial Officer of TLEA; and Paul De Nardi, Head of TLEA Business Development, extended a warm welcome to the visiting delegation. The two sides engaged in discussions at TLEA Perth headquarters.

Raj Surendran, CEO of TLEA, gave a detailed introduction to the Kwinana lithium hydroxide project's advancement and its significance in Australia's lithium battery industry. The conversation centered on Tianqi Lithium Corporation's Australian production plant achievements in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) and its response to climate change challenges and opportunities. Secretary Han Wei commended Tianqi Lithium Corporation for its unwavering commitment to its core values, diligent efforts, and resolute determination in Australia, resulting in a remarkable and hard-earned journey of growth. This February, Tianqi Lithium Corporation and Zhangjiagang Bonded Zone signed an agreement for a lithium hydroxide production plant project, aiming to boost cooperation in the new energy industry and promote a green transformation of economic and social development. The aspiration is for Tianqi Lithium Corporation's lithium hydroxide production plants both at home and abroad—the Kwinana and Zhangjiagang sites—to act as local benchmarks. They should utilize their strengths to propel the healthy and stable growth of the global lithium battery industry through technological innovation.

Tianqi Lithium Corporation's Kwinana lithium hydroxide production plant, the world's largest and Australia's first lithium hydroxide plant, heralds a new era in the country's lithium industry. Through extensive ESG efforts, Tianqi Lithium Corporation's Kwinana plant has achieved substantial outcomes in carbon reduction, resource utilization, and solid waste reuse. Meanwhile, the Kwinana plant of Tianqi Lithium Corporation actively engages with the community through cultural education and social welfare initiatives, enhancing the local residents' quality of life. Currently, it has provided nearly a thousand job opportunities for the local people. With the progress of the Phase 2 project at Tianqi Lithium Corporation's Kwinana plant, a commitment to ESG and sustainable development will be strengthened, driving high-quality and sustainable growth for the Kwinana production plant in Australia.

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