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Enhancing Corporate Governance | Independent Directors and Supervisors Investigate Company's Australian Projects
Author: Time:2023-08-15 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Recently, representatives of independent directors and supervisors from Tianqi Lithium Corporation(referred to as "Tianqi Lithium") visited Perth, Australia, to assess the company's projects and operations in the region.

They started at Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia Pty Ltd (TLEA), a subsidiary of Tianqi Lithium, where they learned about the progress of the construction of lithium hydroxide production facility in Australia, future growth plans, and advancements in ESG and sustainable development. Next, the research team visited the lithium hydroxide production facility in Kwinana. They evaluated the development of production capacity in Phase 1, reviewed Phase 2's initial construction, and had fruitful discussions with colleagues from the company's Australian technical support team.

Picture | Tianqi Lithium's Independent Directors and Supervisors were at Tianqi’s lithium hydroxide plant in Kwinana, Perth.

The Kwinana lithium hydroxide production facility is located in the Kwinana Industrial Area of Western Australia. Construction started in 2016 in two phases. The first phase, a globally pioneering fully automated battery-grade lithium hydroxide plant, has a yearly nominal capacity of 24,000 tons. It completed testing and achieved commercial production by 2022. The Phase 2 project in Kwinana, with an annual lithium hydroxide capacity of 24,000 tons, is nearing completion. Leveraging Phase 1 experience and market insights, the project's design and plans are currently under review for potential refinements. In the future, the Kwinana facility is anticipated to attain an annual production capacity of 48,000 tons of battery-grade lithium hydroxide.

Picture | Tianqi’s lithium hydroxide plant in Kwinana, Perth.

The group of independent directors and supervisors further extended their research to Talison Lithium, a subsidiary of Tianqi Lithium held through TLEA. During this phase, they conducted an inspection at the Greenbushes Mine, Talison's largest and highest-grade lithium ore project worldwide. This visit aimed to gather insights into the ongoing operations of various processing facilities and the most recent project advancements. Engaging in discussions with Talison's management team, they contributed targeted opinions and suggestions geared towards the project's operational effectiveness and future expansion.

Picture | Greenbushes Mine, Western Australia

During their visit to Australia, independent directors and supervisors also visited the company's strategic partner, IGO Limited (referred to as "IGO"). They engaged in extensive discussions with IGO's senior management, covering respective development goals, future strategic collaborations, and a vision of mutual benefit and win-win results.

Throughout this research on the company's projects in Australia, the independent directors and supervisors provided on-site guidance, which holds significant importance in directing the company's overseas operations, enhancing governance standards, and promoting high-quality and sustainable development.

Written by the board office

Edited and published by | PR Department

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