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Sending Coolness in Summer, Paying Tribute to Firefighters: Chongqing Tianqi Lithium Extended Heartfelt Condolences to Tongliang Fire Brigade
Author: Time:2023-08-15 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On August 10, 2023, during the hot summer, Chongqing Tianqi Lithium Corporation visited the Tongliang Fire Brigade, extending heartfelt greetings to the fire officers and soldiers who still stick to the front line despite the sweltering heat.


They forge ahead without hesitation.

As the people's soldiers, no matter in cold winter or hot summer, fire officers and soldiers always fearlessly forge ahead, dedicating themselves to safeguarding the lives and property of the public. Taking this opportunity, the representatives expressed their deepest gratitude and sincere condolences, on behalf of the company, to these brave soldiers for their courageous actions.

Tongliang Fire Brigade has maintained a collaborative partnership with Chongqing Tianqi Lithium, which has conducted several specialized training sessions on fire safety knowledge and emergency response for employees, significantly improving their fire safety awareness and emergency response abilities.

Tianqi Lithium will dedicate itself to upholding its responsibilities and commitments through concrete actions, while also spreading positive social energy and values. Let's pay tribute to the dedicated firefighters! Let's salute the Heroes in Harm's Way! Let's extend our utmost respect to these individuals!

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