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​Exploring the green code of harmonious coexistence between man and nature | The "2023 Sustainable Development Media Scholarship Class” ended successfully
Author: Time:2023-07-23 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On July 22nd, the "2023 Sustainable Development Media Scholarship Class" (hereinafter referred to as "Scholarship Class”) ended successfully in Chengdu, a park city where men and nature live in harmony. The class was jointly organized by Tianqi Lithium Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianqi Lithium") and Southern Weekly Newspaper (hereinafter referred to as "Southern Weekly”). Government officials, experts, scholars, and media representatives from various departments including environment, energy, ESG, finance, and others gathered to share and discuss the significance of carbon neutrality and emission reduction goals, ESG management systems, and enterprise development and transformation. The essence of the discussion revolved around the green code of harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Zhao Lechen, Chief Engineer and Member of the Leading Party Members' Group of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Sichuan Province, Meng Dengke, Deputy General Manager of Southern Weekly and Vice President of Southern Weekly Research Institute, and HA Frank Chun Shing, Director and President of Tianqi Lithium, delivered speeches at the closing ceremony. Xiong Wanyu, Senior Vice President of Tianqi Lithium, Cao Haidong, Member of the Editorial Board of Southern Weekly, Director of Beijing News Center and Director of Green News Department, and other leaders also attended the ceremony.


White Paper on Sustainable Lithium Industry under the Goal of Net Zero Emissions

Tianqi Lithium as the global pioneer

During the event, Tianqi Lithium made a significant contribution by globally launching the "Sustainable Lithium Industry White Paper under Net-Zero Emissions Target" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper"). This became a major highlight of the event. HA Frank Chun Shing, Director and President of Tianqi Lithium, said that collaboration across industries, related to value chains, and between government and other organizational levels, is crucial to unleash the potential and reach the goal of net zero emission. To better fulfill its social responsibilities, Tianqi Lithium is committed to continue reducing the Scope 1 and 2 emissions within its core business and calling on its value chain members to achieve net zero emissions in business operations no later than 2050.


The Sharing class

Dong Zhanfeng

Shi Yichen

Dai Yande

Zeng Fanxu

Shi Han

Dong Zhanfeng, Head of the Policy Institute of the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, focused on the key development ideas and directions of the ESG system. He also made a thorough analysis of exploring the promotion of ESG for modern green governance and accelerating the construction of the ESG system in China.

Dai Yande, the recipient of the State Council Special Allowance and Director of the Energy Economy Professional Committee of China Energy Research Society, delivered a fascinating presentation titled "Energy Transformation and Revolution under the Goal of Carbon Neutralization”. With his speech, Professor Dai effectively conveyed the importance of carbon neutrality and emission peak, earning him rounds of applause from the attendees.

Shi Han, Director of the ESG Center for Chinese Business Students at the University of Hong Kong, emphasized the importance of engaging in green and low-carbon transformation, the stages of green and low-carbon development for companies, and the opportunities and challenges in this process. He also highlighted that during economic fluctuations, companies should prioritize ESG construction.

Shi Yichen, Senior Academic Consultant and Professor at the International Institute of Green Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, focused on the financial sector and discussed the ESG investment trend. In addition, Professor Zeng Fanxu from the School of Journalism and Communication, at Tsinghua University, proposed the "cloud” platform and also introduced the commonalities and differences among different groups of people in addressing climate issues. He also summarized several narrative strategies that can be applied to various types of audiences.


Sustainable Development of Tianqi Lithium

Wang Weina, as the full-time supporter of this event as well as Tianqi Lithium's Director of ESG and Sustainable Development, conveyed the company's commitment to fulfilling its responsibilities in mitigating climate change. Up to now, the company has established a carbon management working group coordination mechanism at home and abroad. It has completed the carbon inventory and product carbon footprint Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The company has explored the use of digital carbon management tools to further improve the quality of carbon data. Tianqi Lithium is continuously improving its carbon management and striving to become a leader in sustainable development in the global new energy industry under the net-zero target.

Wang Weina, Tianqi Lithium's Director of ESG and Sustainable Development


Student Sharing

Although the 3-day event has come to an end, the exchange and learning regarding ESG and sustainable development are far from over. Representatives from nearly 30 media organizations who participated in the event expressed their appreciation. They not only gained new knowledge but also built ties of profound friendship during the event. They also looked forward to working jointly in the future to promote the all-round green transformation for economic and social development and empower the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in modern society.

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