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Tianqi Lithium filed to go public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Author: Time:2022-01-28 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Tianqi Lithium Co., Ltd. recently filed to China Securities Regulatory Commission for the IPO of foreign shares (H shares) and listing on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Hong Kong Stock Exchange”).

On January 27, 2022, the company received the CSRC Acceptance Notice of the Application for Administrative Permission (Acceptance No. : 220091) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), stating that the CSRC has accepted the company’s application regarding the issuance of H shares.

On January 28, 2022, Tianqi Lithium submitted an application for the offering and listing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and published the relevant materials on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The application materials were prepared and submitted in accordance with the requirements of Securities and Futures Commission and Hong Kong Stock Exchange. One thing to point out here is that the application materials are not final, and its content might be revised and updated in due course.

Tianqi Lithium announced the start of listing in September 2021. Throughout the whole course, the submission of listing application materials is an important step, and the company will continue to promote relevant work in an active and orderly way. In addition, relevant progress of the project will be disclosed timely, according to the the laws and regulations.

Contributed and published by: Board Office

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