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Song Kaihui, Party Secretary of Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions, led a delegation to Shehong Tianqi to conduct research
Author: Time:2022-03-31 Source : Font Size:big middle small

The delegation led by Song Kaihui, party secretary and vice chairman of Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions, visited Tianqi Lithium Shehong Production Base for research. They were escorted by Xiong Wanyu, vice president of Tianqi Lithium, and Fan Yonglan, deputy general manager of Tianqi Shehong, to the exhibition hall and heard more about the company's history, core competitiveness and corporate culture.

Photo | Xiong Wanyu, vice president of Tianqi Lithium, escorted the delegation to Shehong Base

They also went to the staff room to learn about their work and life conditions, and met with Xu Chuan, the head of Shehong Tianqi R&D Laboratory. The delegation encouraged him to continue to be a model worker and create greater value for the society.

Photo | Secretary Song met with model worker Xu Chuan

In the end, Song pointed out that Tianqi Lithium need to improve its comprehensive strength and core competitiveness and consolidate its leading position in the industry, thus making greater contributions to the development of new energy materials as well as regional economic growth.

Contributed by | Administrative Department of Shehong Tianqi

Edited and published by: Board Office

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