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Liu Ying, Executive Vice President of Tianqi Lithium, attended the video conference on the safety work of Chinese-funded enterprises in the Consular District of the Chinese Consulate General in Perth
Author: Time:2022-05-16 Source : Font Size:big middle small

A virtual conference on safety work of some Chinese-funded enterprises in the consular district was held by Chinese Consulate General in Perth on May 13, 2022. Liu Ying, executive vice president of Tianqi Lithium and president of Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia(TLEA), attended the meeting on behalf of Tianqi Lithium. She reported on the company’s safety production and epidemic prevention and control there and shared relevant experiences and practices.

Photo | Long Dingbin, Consul General of China in Perth, delivered a speech at the meeting (Credit: WeChat official account of Chinese Consulate General in Perth)

Long shared the domestic guidance on workplace safety and epidemic prevention and control and put forward requirements for the company’s future work with taking into account current domestic and international landscapes and local situation.

Photo | Virtual meeting attended by Liu Ying, executive vice president of Tianqi Lithium, 

and the heads of Chinese-funded enterprises (Credit: WeChat official account of Chinese Consulate General in Perth)

Liu said that Tianqi Lithium will actively combat the COVID-19 pandemic to help control the spread. Meanwhile, according to domestic requirements in China, it will strike a balance between development and safety. The company will guarantee project operation and personnel health, so as to better serve the economic and social development of China and Australia.

Contributed and published by: Board Office

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