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This Sand Painting Brings Our “Lithium Dream" to Chile
Author: Time:2022-05-31 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Tianqi Lithium held the "WE SHARE" ESG cocktail party in Santiago, Chile on May 17, 2022.

HA, Frank Chun Shing, director and president of the company, launched an international collaboration initiative to promote sustainable development. At the party, people’s eyes were caught by a theme video which shows, with colored sand paintings, how Tianqi has fulfilled its social responsibilities. What’s more, the video also expresses the hope to bring the concept of “Changing the World with Lithium" to Chile, participate in community integration and construction there and work together to promote the sustainable development of the global new energy industry in accordance with the idea of harmony between humanity and nature.

Contributed by : ESG & Sustainability

Edited and published by: Board Office

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