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Xiao Qian, Chinese Ambassador to Australia, visited the Tianqi’s Kwinana Plant
Author: Time:2022-06-18 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Xiao Qian, Chinese Ambassador to Australia, visited Tianqi’s lithium hydroxide plant in Kwinana, Perth on June 11th.

Photo | Liu Ying, Executive Vice President of Tianqi Lithium, escorted Ambassador Xiao Qian to the factory (Credit: WeChat official account of Chinese Consulate General in Perth)

While escorting Xiao to Kwinana plant, Liu Ying, executive vice president of Tianqi Lithium and president of Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia, introduced the history and operation of the project.

Xiao Qian encouraged Tianqi Lithium to keep pressing ahead with programs in Australia, continue epidemic prevention & control and promote workplace safety to build a better corporate image and contribute to economic and trade ties between China and Australia as well as bilateral relations. Chinese embassies and consulates in Australia encourage Chinese enterprises to “go abroad” and are willing to provide necessary assistance to Chinese-funded enterprises in Australia.

Photo | Liu Ying, executive vice president of Tianqi Lithium, talked to ambassador Xiao Qian (Credit: WeChat official account of Chinese Consulate General in Perth)

With many thanks to the embassies and consulates for their concern and support to Kwinana plant, She believed that Xiao's visit would promote the company’s further expansion in Australia. The company will stay true to its original aspiration, carry forward the Chinese-funded enterprises’ spirit of hard work, and contribute to economic exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia.

Contributed and published by: Board Office

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