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Tianqi Lithium Officially Launched the First "Lithium Dream Graduates" Grow Camp 2022
Author: Time:2022-07-14 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On July 12, Tianqi Lithium Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianqi Lithium") launched its first "Lithium Dream Graduates" Grow Camp 2022 in the firm’s Shehong Plant. Online and in-person speeches were made for “Lithium Graduates” by Guo Wei, executive vice-president & CEO of Tianqi Lithium, Liu Ying, executive vice president & chief strategic integration officer, and Du Mingze, general manager of Tianqi Shehong. What’s more, Luo Yana, director of human resources department of Tianqi, was present as support for the kick-off meeting.

Photo | "Lithium Graduates" were trained by Wan Jing, deputy director of the human resources department of Tianqi Lithium.

Guo explained how “Lithium Graduates” can realize “big dream of Tianqi” by bringing together “small dream of employees”. Liu expressed the profound meaning of the Grow Camp’s slogan-“Be ambitious, be extraordinary” and Du shared three key points on how to turn “Lithium Dream” into reality. All of this inspired “Lithium Graduates” who keenly felt the sense of mission and responsibility of changing the world with lithium. The meeting was successfully ended with apprentice-taking, agreement signing, gifts as well as group photos. Then a three-day on-site centralized training started.

Photo | Employee representatives from Shehong Plant shared working experience with “Lithium Graduates”

The Camp is a one-year training plan made by the HR department for new employees directly recruited from universities this year. They can learn transferable skills, receive one-on-one professional-skills tutoring, and get support from the HR department and headquarters throughout the process.

Du Mingze, general manager of Shehong, Luo Yana, director of human resources department of Tianqi, and

representatives of teachers and students of the Camp as well as the staff

Rooted in China, Tianqi Lithium is communicating to the world. Talent is the life of an enterprise, the company, therefore, attaches great importance to its employees in accordance with its people-first principle, remains committed to developing international talent so that talent can grow with the company. We hope “Lithium Graduates” can learn much from this experience and become “excellent Tianqi people”.

Contributed by: Human Resources Department

Edited and published by: Board Office

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