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Du Mingze, General Manager of Tianqi Shehong won the title of Advanced Individual as the city develops its eight districts and tries to become a top 100 county-level city in the country
Author: Time:2022-08-05 Source : Font Size:big middle small

The Review and Awards Ceremony for Shehong City to celebrate its position as a national top 100 county was held in the new campus of Shehong Municipal Party School on July 30. Under the strong leadership of the party groups and governments at different levels, Shehong has seen fruitful results as it tries to build its eight districts and tries to become a top 100 county-level city in the country; the city has been included in the national "2022 Top 100 Counties List" released by Sadie.

Photo | Shehong held a Review and Awards Ceremony to celebrate its position as a national top 100 county. (image credited to xbsh.cn)

At the ceremony, to uplift the spirits and encourage people to forge ahead, Shehong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government commended 10 advanced groups and 51 advanced individuals for their excellent performance in "building eight districts and a top 100 county". Mr. Du Mingze, General Manager of Tianqi Lithium (Shehong) Co., Ltd. was awarded as an advanced individual.

Photo | Mr. Du Mingze, General Manager of Tianqi Lithium (Shehong) Co., Ltd. was awarded as an advanced individual. (image credited to xbsh.cn)

Mr. Du Mingze said, "Looking forward, as Shehong city endeavors to improve development quality, Tianqi Lithium will think in big-picture terms and follow the municipal party committee's guidelines. While boosting the development of the enterprise itself, it will contribute to the development of the lithium industry in the city as well."

Contributed by | Administrative Department of Shehong Tianqi

Edited and published by: Board Office

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