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The International Lithium Association visited Tianqi Lithium Corporation, and the Li Science Museum received an ancient mineral donation
Author: Time:2024-04-27 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On April 25th, Anand Sheth, Founding Chairman of the International Lithium Association (ILiA), led a delegation to visit the Li Science Museum. Frank Ha, Director & CEO of Tianqi Lithium Corporation, along with his team, warmly received the delegation. Both sides engaged in in-depth discussions on the development trends of the lithium industry, sustainable development strategies for companies, and future cooperation directions. The meeting was also attended by Roland Chavasse, Secretary-General and Co-Founder of ILiA, and Ma Zengguang, ILiA’s China Representative Director, among others.

The delegation from ILiA took a closer look at the Li Science Museum, discussing and exchanging ideas with accompanying personnel on the history, current applications, and future development of lithium. They also expressed their appreciation for Tianqi Lithium Corporation's strengths in resource distribution and upstream and downstream industry coordination.

Anand emphasized, "The lithium market is rapidly growing, with more applications being developed. The Li Science Museum provides a comprehensive and vivid interpretation of complex scientific knowledge. We hope the museum can serve as a popular science base, reaching the public and the world, so that more people can understand the importance and value of lithium and its applications."

At the meeting, the ESG and Sustainable Development Department shared Tianqi Lithium 's achievements in ESG strategic positioning and management systems. The visiting delegation was invited to watch Tianqi Lithium's original art piece sand painting “WE SHARE" and the promotional video of their carbon white paper "My Lithium Dreamland." The ILiA delegation remarked that Tianqi Lithium's commitment to sustainable development was impressive.

The Sales Department expressed their hope for collaboration and exchange with ILiA to ensure sustainable growth in the lithium market. Following this, the Process Technology Department shared the company's recent achievements in developing international, national, and industry standards. Anand thanked Tianqi Lithium for their role in drafting and reviewing the world's first lithium industry product carbon footprint guide, emphasizing the importance of international technical standards and ESG in the development of the lithium industry. He acknowledged Tianqi Lithium's significant contributions to setting industry technical standards and promoting sustainable development.

During the visit, ILiA presented the Li Science Museum with an ancient and precious gift—a piece of spodumene, numbered 1312.63, discovered on Uto Island in the 1790s. Frank Ha, expressed gratitude to ILiA for this valuable mineral donation. He also thanked the association for providing Tianqi Lithium with the valuable opportunity to gain insights into the international market. Looking ahead, both parties anticipate strengthening their cooperation and working together to advance the lithium industry, contributing to global energy transition and green development.


Spodumene can be traced back to the 1790s when it was first discovered on Uto Island in Sweden. Swedish scientist Johan August Arfvedson later analyzed this type of mineral and discovered the element lithium, marking the beginning of humanity's encounter with lithium. Currently, the piece of spodumene, numbered 1312.63, is housed in the main exhibition area on the second floor of the Li Science Museum.

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