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To every Tianqi employee | Successful Hosting of The 2024 "Spring of dragon, foster innovation and prosperity" New Year Gala Banquet
Author: Time:2024-02-06 Source : Font Size:big middle small

With vigorous development in 2023,

Soaring to new heights in 2024,

The annual Tianqi Lithium Gala Banquet has arrived as promised!

On February 5th, amid cheers and laughter, the 2024 New Year Gala Banquet of Tianqi Group and Tianqi Lithium, themed "Spring of dragon, foster innovation and prosperity"  concluded successfully in a festive atmosphere.

Jiang Anqi, Director of Tianqi Group and Vice Chairwoman of Tianqi Lithium, Xia Juncheng, Director and President of Tianqi Lithium, Zeng Yiwei, Senior Vice President of Operations Center of Tianqi Group, Raj, President of Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia, and other company leaders joined all Tianqi employees to celebrate together, paying tribute to the years of hard work and looking forward to a bright future.

As the drums sounded, a golden dragon flew into the venue, with Jiang Anqi putting the finishing touch, delivering a speech, thanking every Tianqi employee for their strong support and loyal dedication to the group and the company, guiding everyone in the direction of

struggle and sending New Year blessings.

The annual meeting awarded the "Most Beautiful Corner of Tianqi Award," "Tianqi Group Outstanding Dedication Award," "Long-term Contribution Award," and "Excellent Volunteer" trophies to outstanding Tianqi employees.

As the lunar New Year approaches,

All Tianqi people are filled with the auspiciousnessof the dragon year,

"Spring of dragon, foster innovation andprosperity"!

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