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Tianqi Lithium's Safety Production Committee Successfully Conducts Inaugural EHS Management Training
Author: Time:2023-12-15 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On December 13th, Tianqi Lithium organized the first Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) management training for members of the Safety Production Committee. The training covered four aspects: the safety production situation, relevant legal requirements, implementation of safety production responsibilities, and risk control and accident prevention.

Mr. Xia Juncheng, Director, President and Head of Safety Production Committee at Tianqi Lithium, emphasized the need for a clear understanding and high importance of safety production responsibilities. He urged participants to comprehend the training content and maintain a constant safety vigilance. Mr. Xia stressed the importance of adhering to procedural norms at production bases and mines, conducting safety discussions and on-site inspections, controlling safety risks, and implementing job safety responsibilities. He highlighted the enforcement of a comprehensive safety production responsibility system through the PDCA cycle.

Mr. Guo Wei, deputy director of the Safety Production Committee and Executive Vice President, emphasized the critical period at the year-end and urged members to remain vigilant. He called for the diligent implementation of safety production responsibilities within their respective scopes, ensuring a secure conclusion to 2023. Mr. Guo also emphasized the importance of process control through the dissemination and signing of safety goal responsibility agreements for 2024. The aim is to control risks and hazards before accidents occur, continuously improving the company's safety management performance.

The Safety Production Committee of Tianqi Lithium will continue organizing a series of EHS training and activities to enhance the EHS knowledge and skills of all employees. This initiative aims to build an independent safety culture with distinctive Tianqi characteristics, ensuring stable operations and promoting sustainable development. Senior Vice President Xiong Wanyu and Vice President of Strategic Development Li Guo participated in the training.

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