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Successful Completion of the “New Energy Talents” Program!
Author:admin Time:2023-11-13 Source :tianqilithium Font Size:big middle small

Our study tour ended with a great success.

On November 6th, under the ginkgo tree of the School of Public Administration, 20 Chilean study tour students, along with teachers and students from Sichuan University, attended the graduation ceremony of the "New Energy Talents" program sponsored by Tianqi Lithium Corporation. This study tour and the ceremony, in which the dappled sun shone through the leaves, left a profound impression on those students from Chile.

“Gu Sitian, Ouyang Xiaoyi, An Yuqin, Kong Yuning...please receive the certificates of completion on the stage.” As the host finished speaking, those Chilean students stood up quickly, as if their Chinese names had already been engraved into their hearts.

Yao Leye, Vice President of Sichuan University, Wu Jiagang, Director of the International Office of Sichuan University, Han Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Public Administration, Xia Zhiqiang, Dean of the School of Public Administration, Liu Erdong, Deputy Secretary General of International Scientific Exchange Foundation of China, Jiang Anqi, Vice Chairman of Tianqi Lithium Corporation, HA Frank Chun Shing, Director and President of Tianqi Lithium Corporation, Xiong Wanyu, Senior Vice President of Tianqi Lithium Corporation, and other leaders awarded certificates of completion to these students.

Baima Yongcuo, Catherine, is bilingual in Chinese and Tibetan. As a representative of Chilean study tour students, she said in the speech: “In the past month, we read a lot and traveled a lot. Undoubtedly, there is still much knowledge for us to acquire and explore. But please believe in ourselves and believe in the bond we formed with each other. By embracing each other's differences and seeking interdisciplinary cooperation, better plans can be found to build our homes. The vast mountains and seas are about to separate us, but the happiness and friendship generated during this journey will far transcend time and space.”

In just one month, students on the Chilean study tour also infused the campus of Sichuan University with many customs of South America. They are earnest and cheerful, knowledgeable and inquisitive, leaving a deep impression on teachers. Ginkgo never lives up to autumn, whose leaves turn a bright yellow before falling. And Sichuan University, full of ginkgo trees, turns into a golden ocean in the late autumn.

We graduated in our rights.

After a month of studying and visiting, the “New Energy Talents” program is coming to an end, with 20 Chilean study tour students having completed the course. On November 7th, these students came to Tianqi Lithium Corporation, making summary reports on their perception of the China-Chile lithium battery industry, battery recycling, sustainable development, resource reserves, and the solar energy industry.

Mr. Jiang Weiping, founder and Chairman of Tianqi Lithium Corporation, highly appreciated their summary reports. And he said emphatically and earnestly: "I truly envy you having such a high starting point. Although this study tour was brief, it has been an unforgettable experience for all of you. Today, I heard many students delve into discussions about ESG-related topics. I believe that sustainable development is a common goal for our generation as well as future generations to strive for. Although China and Chile are far apart geographically, the two countries enjoy profound friendship. And I hope you will become a bridge for the China-Chile friendly development! "

Professor Shi Han, the off-site special judge and Director of the ESG Center of the Institute for China Business of the University of Hong Kong, also served as one of the instructors for this study tour program. He highly recognized the students’ reports and hoped that they could contribute to the cooperation and development of the China-Chile new energy industry after returning to Chile.

Professor Wu Min and Associate Professor Zhao Qianyu from the School of Public Administration, Sichuan University, and Professor Hai Chunxi and Professor Sun Yanxia from the Chengdu University of Technology, as well as Professor Yu Xudong, were invited to serve as on-site judges. They posed questions to the Chilean study tour students and scored their summary reports, presenting students with the Best Performance Award, Best Scheme Award, Best Sustainability Award, and Best Business Award, respectively.

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