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Exploring the World’s First Li Science Museum: Embark on a Fascinating Journey into the World of Lithium
Author:admin Time:2023-10-24 Source :tianqilithium Font Size:big middle small

Starting today, the “Li Science Museum” is open to the public. We will consistently enrich our exhibitions, introduce engaging interactions, and upgrade our equipment and facilities, aiming to establish itself as a center for science education and innovation display for the global lithium industry.

--Zhao Jiasheng, Director of Li Science Museum, October 15, 2023

The world’s first Li Science Museum officially opened on October 15th. Situated by Xinglong Lake in the core ecological area of Tianfu New District, Sichuan Province, it is a comprehensive science museum centered on lithium. The Museum is divided into three floors, with a total area of about 550 square meters. It comprises five exhibition areas: Popular Science - TRACING HEAVEN AND EARTH, Industry - APPLICATION AND FORMATS, Future - CHANGING THE WORLD WITH LITHIUM, an Immersive Cinema, and a Sustainable Development College known as the “LITHIUM THOUGHT CLASSROOM”.The Li Science Museum is committed to educating the public about the history, present, and future of lithium, narrating the scientific stories of lithium, and consistently conveying the sustainable development concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Recommended route:

1. Watching the theme film “Origin”

Reasons for recommendation: Did you know that lithium is as old as the universe? Did you know that lithium is the carrier of life-saving hydrogen for drowning victims? "Origin", through a 12.8-meter 8K ultra-high-definition curved screen, will take you on a journey into the world of lithium, exploring the birth of lithium and its interaction with humanity. As humanity delves deeper into extraction and research, lithium and its compounds play an increasingly vital role in the industrial and electrochemical energy storage fields, which will lead humanity to a sustainable future!

2. Experiencing the “Earth Time” Circular Mechanical Interactive Installation on the Second Floor

Reasons for recommendation: As one of the most interactive and informative exhibits in the entire museum, the “Earth Time” circular mechanical interactive installation is prominently located at the entrance of the second floor. Through knob interaction, you can watch 12 stories on the circular screen, which will refresh your understanding of lithium.

3. An Immersive “Lithium” Experience

Reasons for recommendation: If you have no opportunities to visit world-class salt lakes and hard-rock lithium ore, you can come here. You will be able to explore prominent regions of lithium ore worldwide and immerse yourself in the beauty of the Talison and Atacama Salt Lakes...

After experiencing an immersive projection in the unique mountainous area, you will undoubtedly remember the global distribution, reserves, and natural geographical features of lithium resources. The mechanical dynamic sand table showcasing mining of hard-rock type and the process of lithium extraction can help you understand the whole process, from raw ore extraction to refining into lithium concentrate. The scientific history of lithium will make you explore deeper, guiding you to the historical stages and development path of lithium.

4. Digital Magic Cube

Reasons for recommendation: The six sides of the Digital Magic Cube are all made up of LED screens, which, when activated, provide an extraordinary light and shadow experience, symbolically representing the significant role played by lithium in promoting energy conservation, emission reduction, and the realization of a circular economy.

5. Sustainable Development College

Reasons for recommendation: The Sustainable Development College on the third floor of the Science Museum goes beyond its name, actively promoting and practicing sustainable development principles. Almost all of its facilities are made from recycled sustainable materials. If you have the opportunity, you can bring your children to join the “Lithium Thought Classroom” to learn some fascinating knowledge about lithium.

Currently, Li Science Museum is in the process of designing an online reservation system. Before the launch of the system, inquiries and visit reservations can be made via email at discoveryli@science-space.cn. Along this way, the Museum will coordinate the visits.

Reference Email Templates for Visit Reservation:

Visiting Units (Individuals):

Preferred Visit Dates: Month + Day, Am/Pm

Primary Visitors:

Expected number of visitors:

Contact Information for Coordination:

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