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The Celebrations for Listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Held by Tianqi Lithium in Hong Kong, Chengdu and San Diego
Author: Time:2022-07-13 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Tianqi Lithium Co., Ltd. officially listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock code:9696. HK) on July 13.

Photo | Chairman Jiang Weiping delivered a speech at the listing ceremony in Chengdu

The celebrations for listing on Hong Kong Stock Exchange were held simultaneously in Hong Kong, Chengdu and Santiago, Chile on July 13. The ceremony held on HKEX was attended by: Jiang Anqi, vice chair of Tianqi Lithium; HA, Frank Chun Shing, director & president of Tianqi; Zhang Wenyu, secretary of the board & vice president of Tianqi, Hong Kong Joint Company secretary; and other members of the listing team.

Photo | Tianqi Lithium Listing Ceremony (Hong Kong Stock Exchange)

At 9:30, Jiang Weiping, founder & chairman of Tianqi Lithium, and Ouyang Zehua, vice chairman of Sichuan CPPCC, director of Sichuan Financial Supervisory Authority and the member of Standing Committee of CPPCC National Committee, were at the ceremony in Chengdu. The ceremony held at HKEX Connect Hall was attended by Jiang Anqi, vice chair and HA, Frank Chun Shing, director & president. Both sides sounded the gong at the same time via video link, which is a traditional Chinese celebration adapted by HKEX for new listing events.  

Photo | Sound the gong in Chengdu and Hong Kong for Tianqi Lithium’s listing on HKEX

Jiang said: “Going public on HKEX is an important milestone for Tianqi.  We will keep moving forward, devote ourselves to delivering diversified clean energy to the world, and work with global partners to promote new energy industry for long-term sustainable development."

Photo | President HA, Frank Chun Shing delivered a speech at the listing ceremony at HKEX Connect Hall

On the behalf of Tianqi, President HA said: “We will take this as an opportunity and join hands with global partners to forge ahead and change the world with lithium!"

Photo | Signing ceremony of strategic deal-"China-Latin America Sustainable Development Knowledge Network"

In the ceremony, speeches were given by Ouyang Zehua, vice chairman of Sichuan CPPCC, director of Sichuan Financial Supervisory Authority and the member of Standing Committee of CPPCC National Committee; Zhao Jiasheng, former vice president of China Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association and president of Lithium Branch; Liu Huiying, deputy secretary of Suining Municipal Committee, mayor and secretary of the CPC Party Leadership Group of Municipal Government; Wu Yabin, director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Beijing; Adelle Neary, Australian consul general in Chengdu; Gustavo D í az Hidalgo, Chilean consul general in Chengdu and other guests. Niu Qingbao, Chinese Ambassador to Chile, and Ricardo Ramos, CEO of Chile Chemical Mining Company (SQM), also sent their congratulations to Tianqi from Tianqi Chile Office via video link. The all witnessed the signing of the strategic deal-"China-Latin America Sustainable Development Knowledge Network" and the unveiling of Tianqi Chile Office among other important activities.

Photo | Celebration banquet for the listing on HKEX in Hong Kong

Celebration banquets following the listing ceremony were held in Hong Kong and Chengdu. On behalf of the board, Vice Chair Jiang Anqi expressed gratitude to investors at home and abroad. She also thanked intermediaries of the project and the team working for the listing. She said: “Going public on HKEX lays a solid foundation for the company’s international expansion. We will grasp this precious opportunity and continue to strengthen our advantages in raw material of lithium concentrate and lithium compound production. More importantly, we will keep creating new value for shareholders and investors by increasing production capacity and expanding global business in a continuous and steady manner. "

Photo | Jiang Anqi, vice chair, delivered a speech at the celebration banquet in Hong Kong

Then she announced that Tianqi Lithium Sustainable Development Report 2021 was released, which is its first separate report published in multiple languages including Chinese, English and Spanish.

We will leverage the “A+H" platform and global capital to promote our international development and give back to investors and society!

Contributed and published by: Board Office

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