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Tianqi Lithium Invited to Attend the Economic, Trade, and Cultural Exchange Conference between Sichuan Province and Latin American Young Scholars
Author: Time:2024-05-27 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On the afternoon of May 24th, the Economic, Trade, and Cultural Exchange Conference between Sichuan Province and Latin American Young Scholars was held in Chengdu. Sixteen young scholars from high-end think tanks representing 11 Latin American countries, including Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Guatemala, engaged in in-depth exchanges with Sichuan, providing support and advice for China-Latin America cooperation. As a key enterprise representative of cooperation between Sichuan and Latin America in the field of new energy, Xiong Wanyu, Senior Vice President of Tianqi Lithium, was invited to attend and deliver a speech.

Ms. Xiong expressed that Tianqi Lithium attaches great importance to people-to-people exchanges and visits between China and Latin America, and collaborates with other public welfare organizations to promote international exchanges and practical experience for young talents in the new energy industry. At the same time, she also shared with the participating guests and scholars a documentary film titled "New energy talents: A Study Trip between China and Chile" that Tianqi invited Chilean postgraduate and doctoral students to China for exchange visits in October last year, allowing everyone to deeply feel that The friendship between countries lies in the affinity between the people.

Furthermore, Ms. Xiong introduced in detail Tianqi Lithium's investment in the lithium battery new energy industry in Latin America, as well as its achievements in ESG and sustainable development, technological research and development, industrial cooperation, and exchanges and visits. She also expressed that the company will continue to strengthen cooperation with Latin America and deeply integrate into the region's development.

Although China and Latin America are far apart, they are closely connected by the same values and development concepts. Tianqi Lithium is willing to work hand in hand with Latin American young scholars to jointly promote global energy transformation, actively respond to global climate change, and create a better future for China-Latin America cooperation.

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