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Tianqi Lithium was selected in the S&P ESG Titled Index for the first time
Author: Time:2024-03-15 Source : Font Size:big middle small

Recently, one of the world's leading rating agencies, S&P Global, released its 2023 S&P Global ESG scores. Tianqi Lithium received a score of 50, marking a 20-point increase from last year, and was selected in the S&P ESG Titled Index for the first time.

S&P Dow Jones Indices is a global leader in benchmark indices and investment indices. Since 2019, S&P Dow Jones Indices has introduced a global ESG series based on core regional and national benchmark indices, which has become a significant part of the S&P Dow Jones Indices family. The S&P China A300 ESG Titled Index is a newly launched ESG index for 2023, considered as an indicator of capital markets' commitment to sustainable investing.

In 2023, S&P Global released the " The Sustainability Yearbook (China Edition) 2023" for the first time. The Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) by S&P Global, one of the largest annual assessments of corporate sustainability practices globally, includes 62 industry-specific questionnaires. It quantitatively scores companies' disclosure and performance on environmental, social, and governance aspects, providing a comprehensive reflection of their sustainability management standards. According to the current results as of March 10, 2024, Tianqi Lithium ranks approximately in the top 13% in the global chemicals industry.

Tianqi Lithium, with 30 years of industry experience, adheres to the business philosophy of "economic interests never overriding safety and environmental protection." It effectively integrates pollution reduction and carbon reduction into its operations, collaborates with stakeholders to promote economic, social, and environmental development, and explores sustainable business practices and a zero-carbon future for the new era.

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