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Chilean University Representatives Visit Tianqi Lithium Corporation for Academic Exchange
Author:admin Time:2023-10-23 Source :tianqilithium Font Size:big middle small

On the afternoon of October 13th, Tianqi Lithium Corporation (TLC) engaged in a substantive academic exchange, at TLC's new headquarters at Xinglong Lake in Chengdu, with a delegation of experts and scholars from distinguished Chilean universities, including the University of Chile, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and the University of Antofagasta.

During the event, participants from both two sides engaged in in-depth discussions on a multitude of crucial topics, including technological innovation within the lithium-ion battery industry, fostering collaboration between academia and industry to cultivate talent, implementing sustainable water resource management strategies to combat global climate change, conducting comprehensive assessments of carbon footprints throughout product life cycles, advancing environmental ecology research, and promoting conservation efforts. The conversations also centered around notable accomplishments in lithium extraction technology, impurity removal, and concentration processes, enabling meaningful and insightful exchanges that contributed to the overall knowledge and understanding of the subjects at hand.

Esteemed leaders, Ms. Jiang Anqi, Vice Chairman of TLC along with Mr. HA Frank Chun Shing, Executive Director of  TLC, and Ms. Xiong Wanyu, Senior Vice President, graced the event with their presence.

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