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“We Share” Earned the Best “Sustainable Corporate Culture” Film Award at UK Film Festival Odyssey 2023
Author: Time:2023-09-09 Source : Font Size:big middle small

On September 9th, in accordance with local time, the award ceremony of the UK-based independent film festival 'Odyssey: A Chinese Cinema Season', presented by UK-China Film Collab (UCFC), took place in Cambridge, UK. The event featured the presentation of the Best Sustainable Corporate Culture Film award, a unique international film accolade dedicated to recognizing Chinese and Sino-foreign enterprises committed to sustainable business practices and corporate culture. The selection process spanned seven months, involving two rounds of screenings and expert reviews. After a rigorous four-hour deliberation and debate during the final judging pane, We Share, a sand animation film by Tianqi Lithium Corporation, emerged as the winner. This award is a significant recognition of TLC’s dedication to and outstanding achievements in the field of ESG sustainable development.

Organized by the non-profit organization, UK-China Film Collab(UCFC), the film festival Odyssey: A Chinese Cinema Season is Europe’s first international film festival with a theme centered on “global sustainable development”. Responding to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Odyssey 2023 celebrates ‘Global Sustainability’ as its main theme this year. The festival program includes 5 main strands: “JOURNEY”, “EQUALITY”, “BIODIVERSITY”, “ENVIRONMENT” and “URBAN DEVELOPMENT”. In addition, it introduced a new competition category and award:  the “Sustainable Corporate Culture” Award. An international panel of judges composed of experts and scholars from the United Nations and universities in China and the UK conducted multiple rounds of evaluations, ultimately selecting nine award-winning films from numerous entries. Among them, TLC's original sand animation film, We Share, was honored with the “SDGs Contribution Film Award” in the Sustainable Corporate Culture Film category.

Filmmaking offers myriad pathways, and TLC has consciously chosen an eco-friendly route. Similarly, within the realm of corporate evolution, there are diverse pathways available, and TLC has embraced one that treads lightly on the environment and uplifts society. This film does not involve actors, extensive production crews, or the on-location shoots that require transportation with high carbon emissions. We Share employs a low-carbon filming technique, using sand animation as a medium to vividly portray the connections between lithium and the world, lithium and TLC, and TLC and humanity. It narrates the story of TLC’s global ESG initiatives, effectively conveying the company's ethos of “CHANGING THE WORLD WITH LITHIUM”.  The film not only underscores TLC’s resolute commitment to sustainable development but also extends an invitation to society to explore cross-border, cross-cultural, and cross-industry ESG collaborations.

As a significant contributor to the lithium industry, Tianqi Lithium Corporation has remained steadfast in its commitment to advancing sustainable development as part of its responsibility towards addressing climate change. The company aspires to assume a leadership role in promoting sustainability within the global new energy sector. This year, TLC proudly pioneered the release of the lithium industry's “White Paper on Sustainable Lithium Industry in Achieving Net Zero”, earning an MSCI ESG rating of BBB (Average). In the years ahead, we will consistently embody the low-carbon ethos of ESG in sand animation film, maintain unwavering progress, and work steadily towards a future marked by net-zero emissions.

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