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Calling on Value Chain Members to Join Net Zero Initiative: Tianqi Lithium makes an appearance at the 10th China Charity Fair
Author:admin Time:2023-09-27 Source :tianqilithium Font Size:big middle small

On the morning of September 15th, the 10th China Charity Project Exchange Exhibition, (referred to as the China Charity Fair) commenced at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. This event is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (National Rural Revitalization Bureau), the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Red Cross Society of China, the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, the Government of Guangdong Province, the Shenzhen Municipal Government, and the China Charity Federation.

Zhang Chunsheng, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Fang Guanghua, Vice-chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Zhang Wenhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Li Lidong, Secretary-General of the Red Cross Society of China, Sun Zhiyang, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, and Zhang Liwei, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen, attended the launching ceremony of the 10th China Charity Fair and the signing and docking event for major resource projects. Tianqi Lithium Corporation (referred to as Tianqi Lithium) was invited as an outstanding enterprise representative to participate in the 10th China Charity Fair.

At the main exhibition hall, Yixidawa, the Director of the Sichuan Provincial Civil Affairs Department, accompanied by his subordinate officials, inspected the exhibitions of participating units. After listening to the presentation by Tianqi Lithium, Yixidawa recognized the recent achievements of Tianqi Lithium in sustainable development. These include being the first in the lithium industry to publish the White Paper on the Sustainable Lithium Industry in Achieving Net Zero this year and to elevate the MSCI ESG rating to BBB.

This year's China Charity Fair set up two exhibition halls at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in the Futian District: The Charity High-Quality Development Achievement Hall and the Happy Life Experience Hall. Within these halls were ten must-see, interactive spots. The ESG & Sustainability, Tianqi Lithium, actively participated as volunteers, engaging in activities such as environmental DIY projects. Their involvement not only attracted many visitors who eagerly participated but also provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of Tianqi Lithium's sustainable development philosophy, known as “Changing the World with Lithium”.

The Summit Forum of Corporate ESG Goals Promoting Urban Carbon Neutralization and Sustainable Development, jointly organized by Tianqi Lithium, was grandly held at the China Charity Fair. Mohan Munasinghe, former Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, and Mr. Zhou Weidong, Director of the China Office of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), delivered congratulatory speeches. Ms. Wang Weina, Tianqi Lithium's Director of ESG & Sustainability, served as a guest speaker, unveiling the lithium industry's first White Paper on Sustainable Lithium Industry in Achieving Net Zero. She also moderated a roundtable discussion on Opportunities and Challenges for Enterprises under Net Carbon Targets, engaging in in-depth conversations with fellow attendees on topics such as green transformation in the supply chain, energy structure adjustments, and innovative production methods.

In recent years, green and low-carbon initiatives have set the tone for world energy development. The fundamental framework for driving the global transition to green and low-carbon energy is firmly in place, and it has become a widely shared consensus to develop green and low-carbon industries. Ms. Wang Weina introduced the White Paper on Sustainable Lithium Industry in Achieving Net Zero, calling on all value chain members and encouraging various institutions and companies to participate in the net-zero initiative.

 As a significant contributor to the lithium industry, Tianqi Lithium Corporation has remained steadfast in its commitment to advancing sustainable development as part of its responsibility towards addressing climate change. The company aspires to assume a leadership role in promoting sustainability within the global new energy sector.

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