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Tianqi Lithium co-sponsored the Sixth Vocational Skills Competition named Longxiang Craftsman Cup in Tongliang District, Chongqing
Author: Time:2023-06-19 Source : Font Size:big middle small

A wonderful competition

Technology goes to prosper Longxiang.

Longxiang Craftsman Cup

Tongliang District, Chongqing

The 6th Vocational Skills Competition


The craftsman of Longxiang

On June 15th, the Competition was held in the South Square of Longcheng Tianjie, Tongliang District. This competition, sponsored by the government of Tongliang district and co-organized by Chongqing Tianqi Lithium Industry Co., Ltd., is the largest and most influential event in Tongliang District with the highest specifications. The competition learned from the National Skills Competition and China Chongqing Vocational Skills Competition, setting items related to six kinds of skills including making bonsais, operating forklifts, maintaining automobiles, sorting and storing goods, nursing and serving Chinese cuisine.


The craftsman of Tianqi

Dong Fanglin

Dong Fanglin

Chongqing Tianqi Lithium

Warehousing and Logistics Department

A technician in the Warehousing and Logistics Department

He always works meticulously to fulfills his duties and is willing to study new things. With a strong spirit of exploring and deep love for work, he soon became the best forklift operator in the company.


The competition sites

Part 1

Forklift operation

In this competition of operating forklifts, with the theme of "loading trays and going around rods", and "stacking cans", all participants demonstrated their professional skills through steady and accurate operation. Three participants won honors for Tianqi Lithium with their outstanding performance.

The competition site of operating forklifts

Part 2

Awards ceremony

This skill competition has carried forward the spirit of craftsman, demonstrating forklift operators’ professional skills. It also created the atmosphere of promoting vocational skills, professional training and highly skilled workers, thus driving the high-quality development of enterprises and contributing to the progress of Tongliang.

Tianqi spirit

Striving to forge ahead

Dong Fanglin, Chongqing Tianqi

 won the third prize.

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